The utilization of this web site attributes the condition of "User" to you, which implies the acceptance of the present terms and conditions of use, from the moment in that accedes to the same one. The site can be modified without previous notice, for what one recommends to the User to read the same ones whenever you accede to it.
The User compromises himself to: a) Not to develop activities opposite to the laws, mulberry morality, public order, or that violates rights of third. B) Not to reproduce, to copy, to distribute, to publish, to alter, to interfere or to modify the contents of fincaelrecuerdo.com.ar, until one possesses the authorization of the holder of the right correspondents or it turns out to be legally allowed. C) Not to obtaining or trying to obtain not authorized access, for any way, to any network of Finca El Recuerdo. d) You will abstain from using the contents of the site, with purposes illicit or prohibited in the present terms and conditions, or that they damage, render useless, overload, or prevent the utilization of the contents, documents or files and computer equipments of Finca El Recuerdo or internet users. E) Will not realize a fraudulent, false or not authorized reservation. F) Will not realize false or inaccurate manifestations on Finca El Recuerdo and his members. G) Will not Interfere electrónicamente or manually the functioning or functionality of the web site. G) not to transmit, to spread or to put at the disposal of third information denigratoria, obscene, slanderous or in any other illegal way.
h) The persons or companies that send any type of information to fincaelrecuerdo.com.ar compromise themselves to that the same one is veracious. If you believe that any content and/or information of this Web damages a legitimate right or the in force legality do not hesitate to contact with us.
Those persons who want to establish a hyperlink that accedes to the web pages of the Site and to your content, will have to fulfill the following conditions:
a) It will not devote itself understanding that Finca El Recuerdo it has authorized the Hyperlink or has supervised the contents and/or services offered in the web page in which the same one is established.
b) The web page in which the Hyperlink is established will not contain any mark, trade name, denomination, isologotipo, or other distinctive signs belonging to Finca El Recuerdo, with the exception of those signs that form a part of the same Hyperlink.
c) It will not contain illicit information, opposite to the mulberry morality, good customs and public order. Neither it will contain contents opposite to the rights of the third one.
d) The establishment of the Hyperlink there does not involve in any case the existence of relations between Finca El Recuerdo and the owner of the web page in the one that is established, not even the acceptance and approval on the part of Cultivates The Recollection of his contents or services.
e) A frame will not be created by the web pages of the site.
Finca El Recuerdo takes responsibility neither of the content, functioning, usefulness nor result of the hyperlinks, nor of the prejudices that, eventually, the same ones could generate. It declines any responsibility for the services and/or information that lends in other webs connected with this Web. It is not played the role responsible for the veracity, accuracy and quality of the present web site, his services, information and materials. The same ones "are accessible" without guarantees. Therefore, the User will have to before carrying out some action, being based on information contained in the present web site, to check the same one putting in touch with Estate On The Recollection. Finca El Recuerdo it will not be responsible in case there exist interruptions of the service, delays, mistakes, evil functioning and other disadvantages that have origin in reasons that escape to his control and/or owed to a culpable action of the User and/or take as an origin reasons of Major Force. The recollection will be understood included in the concept of Major Force, all those events happened out of the control of Finca El Recuerdo, like: I trump of third, operators or companies of services, acts of Government, lack of access to networks of third, acts or omissions of the Public Authorities, those others produced as consequence of natural phenomena, blackouts, etc. And the assault of hackers or third specialized in the safety or integrity of the computer system.
Providing that Finca El Recuerdo it has adopted all the existing measures of safety, of agreement to the condition of the technology(skill), it will not assume any responsibility already be for direct or indirect losses, emergent damage and/or for out of a job profit.
Finca El Recuerdo does not become a person in charge by the utilization that the User realizes of the present web site, as well as of any element of the same one, infringing the rights of intellectual or industrial property or any another right of third. Not for the damages, prejudices and alterations of any nature that could cause in the equipments of the Users for possible virus computer contracted or the presence of other elements in the contents.
fincaelrecuerdo.com.ar neither controls nor exercises any type of supervision in webs of third. We advise the visitors of the same ones to acting with prudence and consulting the eventual lawful conditions that are exposed in the above mentioned webs.
All the rights of industrial and intellectual property of the present web site belong to Finca El Recuerdo or to third, whose rights it recognizes Finca El Recuerdo.
It can only strictly prohibited to reproduce, to copy, to report publicly, to distribute, to transform or to modify the elements of the web page, or to damage any other right capable of protection for the law of intellectual or industrial property, until one possesses the authorization of the holder of the right correspondents or it turns out to be legally allowed.
Finca El Recuerdo will be able to realize without previous notice, improvements or changes in the information and other elements of the web site, as well as in the present Legal Notice, and it saves itself the right to interrupt the access to the web site already be for technical motives, of safety, of control, of maintenance, for failures of electrical supply or for any other reason. The above mentioned interruption will be able to have temporary or definitive character. In consequence, Finca El REcuerdo guarantees the reliability, neither the availability nor the continuity of the web site, for what the utilization of the same ones, on the part of the User, is carried out by your own account and risk, without, never, responsibilities could demand from them to Finca El Recuerdo in this respect.
The User will answer of the damages and prejudices of any nature that Cultivates The Recollection could suffer as consequence of the breach from anyone from the obligations to which he remains submitted by virtue of the present Legal Notice or for any Terms and conditions that are of application.
The User admits expressly that the present Legal Notice represents the totality of the agreements habidos between him and Finca El Recuerdo, and replaces to any commitment or previous, both communication written and verbal. For the resolution of all the conflicts related to the use of the present web site of Finca El Recuerdo, the Argentine legislation will be applied, Being competent the Ordinary Courts of San Fernando's City of Catamarca's Valley, with express resignation to the Federal Jurisdiction or anyone that could correspond.
During your visit to our site, we store, for technical reasons, the name of your supplier of Internet service, the page from the one that has acceded to ours, what pages of fincaelrecuerdo.com.ar has visited and the date and duration of your visit. This information is erased later at the end of your corresponding utilization. We will proceed to compile, and use other information, only in case you facilitate them to us for own account, with your explicit authorization (for example on having realized a consultation).
Only we will preserve that personal information contributed by the users expressly for commercial comunicaciones for any way, included the e-mail, until the above mentioned assent is revoked, proceeding to the cancellation of the remaining facilitated information, which lose the purpose for the one that they were obtained.
You are authorized to request at all time information bring over of the personal stored information relative to your person. For it, us there will have to send a corresponding request of information, for e-mail, to the direction elrecuerdocabanasdecampo@hotmail.com, which respondermos to the briefness.
In case you do not agree with the processing and the utilization of your personal information, you will be able to communicate it to us and we will proceed to erase them at once.
The repeal of the authorization will have to be sent by e-mail, to the direction. elrecuerdocabanasdecampo@hotmail.com.
Without the obtaining of his(her,your) explicit authorization, your personal information will not be transmitted to third.
Finca El Recuerdo compromises itself to the fulfillment of the secret of personal information and your duty to guard them, adopting measures to avoid his alteration, loss, treatment or not authorized access, according to the condition of the technology. If they were coming to incorrect information appears, we will proceed to correct them, to your request.
A "cookie" is a small file, which is sent to your equipment whenever it visits a web site. When it returns to visit the same site, it allows the web site to recognize this one your browser and to store the preferences of the user and another type of information (including your ip address. You can modify the configuration of your browser in order that it rejects all the cookies or to indicate him when they must be sent. Nevertheless, it can be that without them, some functions or services of the site do not work correctly.
The web site of Estate The Recollection uses Google Analytics. This one is a service given by Google, Inc. Google Analytics analyzes the web pages and uses "cookies". The information that the cookie generates brings over of your use of the website transmits and files Google, in the servants of The United States. Google uses this information to follow the track of the use of the website, compiling reports of your activity and giving other services related to the activity of the same one and the Internet use. Google will be able to transmit the above mentioned information to third when like that it the legislation is needed, or when third sayings try the information at the expense of Google. Google will not associate your ip address with any other information which Google has. You can reject the treatment of the information or the information rejecting the use of "cookies". On having used this website You consent the treatment that does Google of his(her,your) information, in the form and for the purposes above indicated.