• Dique el Jumeal: 11.8 km
• Dique las Pirquitas: 20.8 km


Passing the Felipe Varela Airport
continue to Alpargatas factory. There take desvio RIVER tucumán (RN 38) to the roundabout. At the roundabout take the left (Catamarca). Arrive the "Square Aboriginal" (center of Valle Viejo) and the station Tres Puentes (YPF).
In front of the station, take the street Joaquín RIVER Acuña to the end and turn.

left (always on the pavement).
Follow our blue signs "FINCA EL RECUERDO".

From Downtown Catamarca:
Take RP 1 (Pirquitas way) in the roundabout "Felipe Varela". After 4 km (approx) cross RIVER Valley (white bridge). On right hand find one lane to turn. Double an about 300 m. Double right again.
Follow 500 m (approx). After crossing the 2nd irrigation canal, 30 m to the right, find the the gate access. Follow our blue signs "FINCA EL RECUERDO".